Happy Foam Industry Limited
Modern Technology
Factory Company
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High Standard and Durable Products providers Learn More Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste
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We agree with natural
environment preservation
and growth
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// About Company

We are the best Foam making industry
Since 2012


Years Of

Happy Foam Industry Limited is a general production and manu facturing enterprise, established since 2012 in South Sudan,devoted to mutual service benefit of its clients and customers basing in the areas e.t.c

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-15 at 11.40.00 PM
Mohamud sahal wadhowr
Founder & C.E.O
// Popular Services

We Provide Best
Industry Services & Products

Product Durability
We produce long lasting commodities that last beyond the maximum life expectancy than other products
Product Efficiency
Our products are made avialable in all different size and preferential standards fitting all levels of life
Customer satisfaction
Our goal is to satisfy our clients and give them a good service to build a strong and long lasting relationships
Product Comfortability
With our products softness and smoothiness is the ideal reason why many prefer them to other since they consider them more comfort.

We produce long lasting commodities that last beyond the maximum life expectancy than other products

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// Company Statistics

Great Achievement From
Global Clients

0 %
Years Of


With the great knowledge and professionism, we always

provide you with only standard and quality products / comodities.


We are always there for the betterment of your comfort, and stability, you can trustfully rely

on us to acquire better satisfaction & guarantee


Be it a gigantic , bulky or sizeable order , we at Happy foam industry we got what you need for the accomplishment and completion of the required needs of the task. You can count on us to sustain your business growth.


We trade for legacy, reputation and development, thus our services are always perfected and trusted to longlast for a longer stay of the accomplished work or project.


Happy Foam industry always desires to effect a positive change, thus insight development at all levels and standard s of living to better the society and nation at large.

// Pricing Package

We Offer Best Pricing Package For Industrial Services

% 5 /Discount

Basic Package

  • Wholesale services
  • Special Order on Demand
  • Dealership offers on sales
  • General Supply and Delivery
% 10 /Discount

Standard Package

  • Retail Sales Services
  • Wholesale services
  • Special Order on Demand
  • General Supply and Delivery .
Best Package
% 20 /Discount

Silver Package

  • Retail Sales Services
  • Wholesale services
  • Special Order on Demand
  • General Merchandise sales

Best Cushions & Beds

Sofa (Best for the home)

Bed (Home use)

New Latest design & look

More Comfortability for home

Home use & Public Lounge

High Durability Bed for home

// Working Process

Simple Step To Get Success Learn Working Process

Step 01
We visualize a standard well balanced family of satisfed clients and a wide network of professional service provision through out, our operational areas.
Step 02
-To serve with honor, professionalism and accurancy through out, our production services.
-To assist our clients and customers to acquire more with less and with a professional torch of experience.
-To widen our operational base and network to further states, nations, and internationally.
-Build expertariate and professionalise the production business network of skilled and genuine human re -source personnel not to mention other business sectors.
Step 03
Happy Foam Indutry LIMITED
is always and will ever be Committed to greatness ,development, and standard of our clients’ welfare and business.
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We’ve Lot’s Of Global Clients Meet Premium Brands

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