
Our goal is to satisfy our clients and give them a good service to build a strong and long lasting relationships

The competitiveness of the local market demands effiecient service provision

Created a couple of years back

we have driven Happy foam from

just a dream to a reality

meant for the betterment of the nation’

s lives as a whole and development at all

sectors in unison hence nation unity and


we are always inspiring honesty, loyalty and onesness

encouraging the unity of all people irrespective of origin,

to work together as one subsidizing each other always. because a

people who live in unity acquire peaceful , prosperity and a democratic soci

ety in return. Thus the managment of Happy Foam is providing genuine products not seeking

out better profit measures but to strenghten and empower the society and

communities at large. Since the formation of Happy Foam, we the management have always sought to

assist, empower and develop the nations economy by subsidizing the neccesities

required for development. its to this aspect that we have build our industry this far,

but trustworthy and honesty are the strongest of foundations there is in business.

WORD FROM THE FOUNDERS: Always build your business on truth,

sufficiency, and unity to better enable its growth

and development to a repuitable name and status

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